
STI News

  • Kenya’s Youth Showcases Innovative Solutions at Finals of Microsoft’s Imagine Cup

    The Kenya Finals of the Imagine Cup 2013 saw more than a hundred university students participate in the innovation and technology competition, co-sponsored by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Microsoft, on April 15 in Nairobi.


    Imagine Cup, is an annual competition that gives eligible students a chance to use their imagination and develop technology application programs, which solve the world toughest problems.

  • The Role of Family Planning for Growth in Africa Underlined During AfDB Annual Meetings

    On May 29th, a high level panel chaired by Agnes Soucat, Director of the Human Development Department of the African Development Bank, discussed how the Bank can meaningfully contribute to Africa’s emerging window of opportunity to capture the demographic dividend in Africa.

  • Connecting Africa: Dr. Donald Kaberuka, Rt. Hon Gordon Brown MP and Sir Tim Berners-Lee High Level Meeting on Education and Technology

    Tunis, Tunisia, 7 May 2012 – The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Donald Kaberuka, the former British Prime Minister Rt. Hon Gordon Brown MP, and renowned computer scientist, and founder of the World Wide Web Foundation, Sir Tim Berners Lee will convene a high level meeting on Education and Technology entitled “Connecting Africa” at the 22nd World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa on May 10, 2012. The purpose of this meeting is to explore ways in which modern technology can improve access and quality of education in Africa and how to scale up the most successful programs.

  • AfDB workshop at the 7th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training

    A follow up session to the First Africa Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation, Benin, May 23, 2012


    The African Development Bank is organizing a workshop to follow up from the recommendations of the STI in Action parallel session on “eLearning, mLearning, eHealth and mHealth” stemming from the 1st Africa Forum on Science Technology and Innovation (STI).


  • The African Development Bank Launches an eHealth Award to identify top African ICT solutions in the health sector

    On 19 April the African Development Bank (AfDB) is Launching a competition for innovative and sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the health sector in Africa. Initiated by the Human Development Department of the AfDB, the eHealth Award aims to a) document what is being done in the field of e- and m-health in Africa, b) encourage the production and sharing of evidence on eHealth solutions and c) provide an added value through the sharing of lessons learnt in e- and m-health.

  • STI Forum ends and issues Ministerial Declaration

    The First African Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) concluded in Nairobi on Tuesday April 3rd by issuing the Nairobi Ministerial Declaration, which announces a range of resolutions to promote and strengthen science, technology and innovations 

    Ministers, science experts and other participants attending the First African Forum on STI for Youth Employment, Human Capital Development and Inclusive Growth, unanimously pledged to support and integrate STI policies, strategies, programs and action plans in national and continental agendas.

    The Forum ended after a two-days meeting of experts (April 1-2, 2012) and a one-day Ministerial Conference (April 3, 2012) presided over by the President of Kenya, Honorable Mwai Kibaki.

    The Experts’ Meeting considered strengthening STI by improving science, technology and mathematics education (STEM), enhancing scientific research and ensuring that higher education systems are equipped to meet the demand for STEM education. It also emphasized the need and shared successful experiences on how to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship skills, tap into existing STI knowledge and cultivate a dynamic innovation eco-system. Participants also reflected and agreed upon initiatives for harnessing STI to address agriculture, health, water and energy challenges through tangible actions.

    The Ministers’ Meeting focused on the integration of STI policies in national and regional development agendas as well as STI financing mechanisms and investments.

    “In spite of the progress that has been made, much more needs to be done to ensure that Africa becomes a global hub for innovations. An important strategy in this connection is the urgent need to control and reserve the massive brain drain out of the continent. We need policies and infrastructure for research and development that will attract and retain top-notch scientists” noted President Kibaki in his opening remarks for the Ministerial Conference.
