
A sample of Nairobi's flavours

Nairobi's Ranalo foods joint, situated along Kimathi Street, next to the Nation Centre is Nairobi's bustling food joint. Also known as Kosewe, after its proprietor, Ronald Osewe, Ranalo foods is a perfect way to say goodbye to Kenya's urban culture.

To get a blend of modern dishes and Kenya's traditional cuisine, Ranalo foods is a perfect eatery to sample a dish of fish, cooked in traditional Luo flavour. Its range of dishes grew in popularity for their flavour and emphasis on traditional lifestyle. The food is affordable and delicious in its taste, a perfect way to remember a visit to Nairobi. Ranalo offers a range of vegetables, potatoes, rice, fruits and the must-have dish of ugali, by-product of maize meal, millet or sorghum.

Apart from Ranalo foods, Nairobi's city centre comes to life with live bands from the Democratic Republic of Congo, which plays original tunes from Rhumba music greats, from the days of T.P.OK Jazz, of the late Luambo Luanzo Makiadi at the Simmers restaurant. The Simmers restaurant has retained its popularity over the years.

The Simmers restaurant offers a perfect spot to dance away the night. It also serves a blend of cultural dishes and quick bites.

For a different sample of non-African foods, the range of Chinese restaurants dots the city. Across the street from Simmers restaurant, is the Panda restaurant, at
the East African Building Society plaza.

The best of the Kenyan cuisine is often best served fresh from the wire mesh grill. The foods range including chicken and pork. A walk into the large shopping malls at the Nakumatt Lifestyle is often in order, for a selection of Kenya's cultural music after a visit.

But the full journey is never complete without a deserved detour into the City Market on Koinange Street. From there, a selection of souvenirs to conclude a trip to East Africa is often ideal.

A contribution from Kennedy Abwao, who writes for PANA, Nairobi