

The Forum is expected to gather approximately 100-150 participants comprising:

  • Ministers of science, technology and innovation, education and finance and planning in Africa
  • Policymakers and senior technical staff from Ministries of education, science and technology, and labor representatives from Centers of Excellence
  • Students and Youth representing civil society and youth organizations
  • Practitioners from the higher education, science, technology and innovation and skills development fields (technical institutes, universities, research institutes)
  • Participants from both the public and private sectors in areas that include ICT, telecom, health, climate change, environment, agriculture, industry, and finance as well as entrepreneurship support organizations, and venture capitalists
  • Regional and international experts involved in the establishment and implementation of STI policies (development agencies, Regional Economic Communities (RECs))
  • Representatives from the African diaspora who have distinguished themselves in the field of STI Nobel Prize and African Union scientific awards laureates