
STI News

  • African leaders embrace science, technology

    African leaders are becoming more aware of the role of Science Technology and Technology (STI) in development. The key challenge, however, remains the formulation of STI policies and their implementation at national and local level. This came to the fore yesterday in session one of the first African Forum on STI hosted by the Government of Kenya in Nairobi from April 1 to 3.The questions delegates had to answer in this session were: What can Africa do to meet the demand for quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)?  What promising models can be developed?

    These questions were asked against the backdrop of the demand for STEM  education growing exponentially, but faculty rosters were not keeping pace and, in many cases, are declining.


  • Opening of STI Forum stresses links between growth and youth

    An urgency to tackle the aspirations of Africa's youth set the tone at the opening of the first African Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation. Professor Margaret Kamar, Kenya's Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology officially opened the three day, saying it was a “watershed”. She said this was an opportunity to restate the important role of science, technology and innovation in development, including that of the youth. But she added: “Kenya and Africa are full of declarations. We must move to action.”

    Other speakers shared this sentiment. Dzingai Mutumbuka, chair of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), said in the last decade there had been at least five Ministerial Conferences on STI with lofty resolutions. “It is my sincere hope that this meeting will not suffer the same fate as its predecessors...[W]e, Africans, need to move away from lofty conference resolutions to implementation, implementation, implementation,” said Mutumbuka.

  • Improving science reporting

    There are always stories on science in Africa. But journalists have the difficult task to find the most compelling and simple ways to tell their audiences why the latest scientific breakthroughs matter to them. This was agreed upon at a training session aimed at orienting journalists ahead of the Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), which started April 1st, 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya.

    Organized by WGCOMED, ADEA's Working Group on Communication for Education and Development, in partnership with UNESCO and Kenya's Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology (MOHEST), the training session aimed at equipping journalists to write more and in greater depth about the scientific topics that would be discussed during the STI Forum.
