
Day 3

Day 3: Ministerial Conference - April 3rd
11:00 Opening Statements 

Master of Ceremony: Representative from ADEA

  • Chairperson, African Ministerial Conference for Science and Technology

  • Abdoulaye Janneh, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa
  • Jean Ping, Chairperson, African Union Commission
  • Donald Kaberuka, President, AFDB
  • Minister of Education Honorable Mutula Kilonzo
  • Irina Bokova, Director-­‐General, UNESCO
  • Minister of Higher Education Science and Technology Honorable Margaret Kamar to invite His Excellency Hon. Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P., President and Commander in Chief of the Defense Forces of the Republic of Kenya

Tour of Exhibition “Africa on the Move” ‐ Coffee break /Press Conference/Photo Op



Summary of the Experts meeting
Co-Chair: Lalla Aïcha Ben Barka, Assistant Director‐General Africa Department, UNESCO and Agnes Soucat, Director, Human Development Department, African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • Report of the of the experts meeting
  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • How do we get there?
General Rapporteurs: Lamine Ndiaye and Segenet Kelemu
03:00 - 04:00

Ministerial Round Table on the Integration of STI policies in national/(sub)regional development agendas

Chair: Gretchen Kalonji, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO

Keynote presenter: Mammo Muchie, Professor and Director of the Research Centre on Development Studies and International Relations

  • Tanzania, Egypt, Gambia, Central African Republic, Mauritius
  • Toshiharu Fueta, Counsellor, Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
04:00 - 04:30

Coffee break

3:30 - 4:00

Tour of Exhibition “Africa on the Move” - 

4:30 - 5:30

Ministerial Round Table on Financing Mechanisms and Sectoral Investments for the development of Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for STI in Africa

Chair: Agnes Soucat, Director, Human Development, African Development Bank
Keynote presenter: Riadh Sifaoui, CEO Tekere Consulting, Former Executive Partner of Accenture, Tunisia
  • South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Nigeria, DRC, Tunisia
  • Tomoko Hamachi, Deputy Director for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
5:30 - 6:00
Closing Ceremony, Exhibition “Africa on the Move” Results and Award presentation
Chair: Romain Murenzi, Executive Director of TWAS and former Minister of Science and Technology of Rwanda
  • Nairobi Declaration on STI for job creation, human capital development and inclusive growth
  • Press Conference / Photo op