
2ème Jour

Day 2: STI Forum - April 2nd : Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development
8:45 ‐ 9:00  Keynote on the CPA Review Process  
  • Aggrey AMBALI, Director of Policy Alignment and Programme Development, NEPAD
9:00 – 10:30


Problem 4: How can a strengthened STI system promote clean drinking water, renewable energy, effective health care, jobs particularly for the youth, and human capital development and inclusive growth development?

Parallel session 1: Water and Sanitation

Chair: Shem O. Wandiga, Managing Trustee, Centre for Science and Technology Innovations, Kenya

Provocateur: Paul Ginies, General Manager of 2iE Foundation, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (Burkina Faso)

Rapporteurs: Alex Makarigakis, Science Programme Specialist, UNESCO Addis Ababa Liaison office and Abou Amani, Science Programme Specialist, UNESCO Nairobi office

Facilitator : Courtney O'Brien, International Program Assistant, The Global Knowledge Initiative

Interactive Participants:

  • Yongxin Xu, Professor of Hydrogeology, UNESCO Chair in Groundwater, Department of Earth Sciences, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
  • Jean Patrice R. JOURDA, Professor, Expert Hydrogéologue Agréé, University of Cocody-Abidjan/UFR-STRM, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
  • Callist Tindimugaya, Chair, National IHP Committee, Commissioner for Water Resources Regulation, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda
  • Abdalla Abdelsalam Ahmed, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources the Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
  • Marie Céline B. Rasoanantoandro-Gothard, UNESCO Chair in Water Management, University of Bangui, Central African Republic

Parallel session 2: ICT - m/e/health

Chair: Feng Zhao, AfDB Health Manager and former World Bank head of m-health

Provocateur: TBC

Rapporteur: Peggy Oti- Boateng, Senior Programme Specialist in S&T, Coordinator, African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI), UNESCO Nairobi office and Thierry Amoussougbo, UNECA

Facilitator: Julius Ecuru, Assistant Executive Secretary, the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology

Interactive Participants:

  • Moretlo Molefi, Medical Research Council, South Africa
  • Dr.Esther, Ministry of Medical Services, Directorate of eHealth Department, Kenya
  • Annah Mandu Gasennelwe-Jeffrey, Faculty of Engineering and Technology Electrical Engineering Department University of Botswana
  • Elija Omwenga, Director, ICT Centre, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Dele Braimoh, University of South Africa (UNISA), Institute for Open and Distance Learning, UNESCO Chair in Open Distance Learning, South Africa
  • Fred Gennings Wanyavinkhumbo Msiska, Director of Centre for Open and Distance Learning, Mzuzu University, UNESCO- COL Chair in Open and Distance Learning, Malawi
  • Sanjaya Mishra, Programme Specialist, Section for ICT in Education, Science and Culture, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO

Parallel session 3: Health

Chair: Hassan Mshinda, Director General of Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, Tanzania

Provocateur: Peter Singer, Chief Executive Officer of Grand Challenges Canada and Director at the McLaughlin- Rotman centre for Global Health - Toronto Facilitator: Amanda L. Rose, Program Officer, The Global Knowledge Initiative

Rapporteur: Solomon O. Nwaka, Director, African Network for Drug and Diagnostic Innovation, TDR / World Health Organization

Interactive Participants:

  • Ameenah Gurib Fakim, Managing Director, CEPHYR, Ebene, Mauritius
  • George Magoha, Vice Chancellor, University of Nairobi, Kenya
  • Eliangiringa Kaale, Pharm R&D lab Project Manager School of Pharmacy, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Raphael Dodji Eklu- Natey, Researcher and Coordinator, Tradition and Medecine, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Yonah Ngalaba Seleti, Chief Director National Indigenous Knowledge Systems Office (NIKSO), Department of Science and Technology (DST), South Africa

Parallel session 4: Agriculture and Food Security

Chair: Mary Abukutsa, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Provocateur: Moises Osiru, Deputy Executive Secretary, RUFORUM

Rapporteur: Abdou Chakour CHADHOULIATI (Bioscience) Directrice Générale Adjointe de l'Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, la Pèche et l'Environnement (INRAPE), Ministère de l'Agriculture, Pèche, Environnement, Energie, Industrie et Artisanat, Comoros

Facilitator : Christina Golubski, Program Associate, The Global Knowledge Initiative

Interactive Participants:

  • Benedict Kanu, Lead Specialist, Agriculture & Agro Industry Dept, AfDB
  • El Tayeb Alhag Ali Ahmed, UNESCO Chair in Desertification, the University of Khartoum, Sudan
  • Damien Conaré, Secretary- General UNESCO Chair "alimentations du monde", Institut des régions chaudes, Montpellier SupAgro, France
  • Ray Elliot, Strategic Project Leader, Syngenta, London, United Kingdom
  • Prof Esther Murugi, Deputy Vice Chancellor, JKUAT, Kenya

Parallel session 5: Renewable energy and climate change

Chair: Hela CHEIKHROUHOU, Director of Energy, Environment and Climate Change Dept, AfDB

Provocateur: Amb. Prof. Salah HANNACHI, ADEA- Tunisia

Rapporteur: Muchunku Charles Muneme, Chairman of the Kenyan Renewable Energy Association, Consultant Energy & Climate Change, Nairobi, Kenya and Felix Toteu, Science Programme Specialist, UNESCO Nairobi office

Facilitator : Sara E. Farley, Chief Operating Officer, The Global Knowledge Initiative

Interactive Participants:

  • Youba Sokona, Director of Africa Climate Policy Centre based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Ogun Davidson, Former Dean of Engineering at University of Sierra Leone and former Minister, Sierra Leone
  • Rwigema Anastase, Biofuel Expert, Rwanda
  • Florence Mutonyi D'ujanga, Head of Physics Department, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
  • Mansour Moudachirou, Université d'Abomey- Calavi, Faculty of Science and Technology, UNESCO Chair in Sciences, Technologies and Environment, the National University of Benin
  • Martiale Gaetan Zebaze Kana, UNESCO Chair in Alternative Energy, the Kwara State University, Nigeria

Parallel session 6: Youth Employment

Chair: Wycliffe S Amakobe, Coordinator, YADSTI, Nairobi

Provocateur: Ginette Nzau, AfDB Resident Representative Burkina Faso, Head of AU/AFDB/UNECA/ILO Youth Employment Initiative Rapporteur: Henry Roman, President WAYS, South Africa and Linda Kamau, member of WAYS, Nairobi, Kenya

Facilitator: Andrew Gerard, Program Associate, The Global Knowledge Initiative

Interactive Participants:

  • Ernest Nti Acheampong, AYFST Coordinator, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Atieno Ndede-Amadi, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Country Business Incubator, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Tennyson Magombo, AYFST Chair, Managing Director, Tingadalire Organic Food Products, Malawi
  • Emeka Victor Ngwoke, Coordinator, AYFST- Nigeria Chapter, Nigeria
  • Joint Secretariat Support Office
  • Bechir Diallo, Labor Economist, AFDB
  • Mary M. Khimulu, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Kenya to UNESCO and Chairperson of the Africa Group Working Group on the Implementation of the UNESCO Strategy on African Youth

Way Forward: Thierry Amoussougbo, UNECA

10:30 - 11:00

Tour of Exhibition “Africa on the Move” ‐ Coffee break

11:00 -12:30


Problem 5: How do we build skills to find, adapt and adopt existing global, innovation and knowledge?

Innovation and entrepreneurship do not have to be limited to the R&D outputs of African scientists. A vast stockpile of existing inventions and innovations generated outside Africa can be applied to solving Africa's problems. A critical challenge, however, is developing the skills and know- how to find, adapt, and adopt this existing knowledge. How can this be done? What models exist in Asia and Latin America?

Chair: Olugbemiro JEGEDE, Secretary General/CEO of Association of African Universities

Rapporteurs: Sonia Bahri, Chief of Science Policy and Reform Section, UNESCO HQ and Peggy Oti- Boateng, Senior Programme Specialist in Science and Technology, UNESCO, Nairobi

Discussants: Dato Lee Yee Cheong, senior fellow Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Governing Board of ISTIC, Malaysia and Marjorie Pyoos, former Director, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa


  • Matt Rainey, Director of WIPO's Innovation Division, Innovation and Technology Sector - 15 mins
  • Alistair Brett, Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship Centers - 15 mins
  • Tasara Muzorori, Senior Trade Officer, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) - 15 mins
  • Fredrick Otieno, Deputy Vice- Chancellor for Technology Innovation and Partnership, Durban University of Technology, South Africa - 15 mins

Moderated 30 min. open discussion on: "What will it take for us to make improvement across Africa in creating a culture of entrepreneurship?"



2:00 – 3:00

Present, Discuss & Refine Draft "Call for Action" that has been produced by Rapporteurs from each of the 5 SESSIONS Presentation by the General Rapporteurs: Segenet Kelemu, and Ahmadou Ndiaye

3:00 - 3:30

Tour of Exhibition “Africa on the Move” - Coffee break

3:30 ‐ 5:00

Problem 6: How can Africa cultivate a dynamic innovation eco- system?

S&T does not generate economic or social benefits unless the results of that R&D are converted into new goods and services. This entails moving from R&D and S&T to innovation and entrepreneurship. How can Africa cultivate a dynamic national, regional, and continental innovation eco- system? What lessons can be learned from Silicon Valley and other innovation hot spots and how can they be applied to support and finance fledgling entrepreneurs?

Chair: Alfred J Watkins, Executive Chairman Global Innovation Summit. Proposal on a National Science Foundation for Africa - national and regional centers of excellence

Rapporteurs: Victor Konde and Thierry Amoussougbo, UNECA

Discussants: John Kohler, Director, Social Capital, CSTS & Co- founder, Center for Science, Technology and Society, Santa Clara University, Toniic


  • Greg Horowitt, Global Connect University of California San Diego - 15 mins
  • Adam Stelle, Chief Operating Officer at Startup Weekend and Jessica Colaco, iHub Kenya - 15 mins
  • Banji Oyelaran- Oyeyinka, PhD, Director, Monitoring & Research Division (MRD), UN- HABITAT - 15 mins
  • Mustafa El-Tayeb, President of Khartoum University, Sudan - 15 mins

Moderated 30 min. open discussion on: "What will it take for us to make improvements across Africa in cultivating a climate of entrepreneurship?"

5:00 - 6:00

Special Panel with Private Sector Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Innovators chaired by AFDB PRESIDENT DONALD KABERUKA

  • Robert Collymore, CEO, Safaricom
  • Zika ABZUK, Head, Corporate Responsibility for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Cisco
  • Adam Stelle, Chief Operating Officer at Startup Weekend
  • Jessica Colaco, iHub Kenya
  • Haitham Desoky, Egypt, Winner of the first prize in the "Stars of Science" Competition for his touch screen invention Vivifi
  • Karim Shokair, Egypt, Business Development Manager, Tegaranet
  • Jawad Nabulsi, Egyptian Social Activist and Entrepreneur, Founder, Nebny Foundation
7:00 - 9:00

Official Dinner hosted by the Government of Kenya

Location: Kenyan International Centre

Dinner Seminar: Universities for All: A New Model of Education and Research for Africa

Chair: Kate McKeown, Professor of Entrepreneurship. Fordham Graduate School of Business Provocateur: Michel Bezy, Carnegie Mellon Rwanda

Interactive Participants:

  1. Mohammad Hassan, SIG Board Member, Immediate Past President of the African Academy of Sciences, former Director of TWAS
  2. Bakary Diallo, African Virtual University - how to use ICT?
  3. Mustafa El- Tayeb, President of Khartoum University, Sudan
  4. Salman Khan, Khan Academy